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本公司是家法资企业,环境优美,待遇优厚。主要生产各式精美礼品罐,产品远销欧美。公司高层本着“真诚待人,事业留人”及“任人唯贤,唯才是用”的策略使员工、公司、客户得到了双赢。现为员工提供的福利待遇有:免费食宿,设全勤奖,介绍奖,超产奖,年终奖,包工奖(按1.5倍计算),在职培训,社会保险,每星期日放映DVD大电影,免费上网和借用电脑,定期举办生日晚会,设有图书室供阅览。逢周一三五晚上6:00-8:00有专业的英语课学习。节假日有优厚的礼品发放及节日补助,每年都会举办丰富的游玩活动。为优秀的员工设立了夫妻房,单人房。本厂全面按照劳动法规,8小时5天制,平时加班按1.5倍,周六、日按2倍,节假日按3倍计算薪水,包吃包住,不扣食宿费。This is French enterprise, beautiful factory & excellent payment & treatment and condition;Its main output various beautiful tin boxes, export to Europe and America.Factory has been insisted on sincerely to every worker and offering a big space for staff to develop.We devote to win-win for workers and customer and company.Current offering the welfare for workers as below: fully attendance bonus & introducing bonus & over production bonus & annual bonus & LTS bonus & training & industrial injury insurance & show movie on Sunday night and so on so forth. workshop exits liquid soap & dryer etc.The normal work time as 8 hours a day & 5 days a week, OT at night will be paid for 1.5 times, work on Saturday and Sunday will be paid for 2 times, national days will be paid for 3 times, offering workers free meals and living.Workers’ basic salary is 920 Yuan since May for general workers, skilled workers will be paid more as their technique, offering free water and electricity. 公司环境