flytech international

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flytech international

飞扬科技是一家专业电子元器件分销商。10多年来我们一直致力于为我们的客户提供及时、全面、和可靠的物料管理服务。我们在美国,中国的深圳、上海和香港都设有运营中心。为了实施公司的国际化战略和满足业务急速发展的需要,我们现诚邀您的加盟。<br> <br>established in 1992, flytech international is a leading independent distributor of quality electronic components. with our existing operational offices in the us, hong kong, shenzhen and shanghai, we have been specializing in providing timely, integrated and reliable material management services for our world-class clients. <br><br>in order to cope with our internationalization strategy and rapid business expansion, we are now looking for high-caliber candidates to join us. you may refer to our website for more information. <br><br>please fax your application to + or email it to <br>