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esab,theleading global weldingcompany is expanding it’s presence in china<br>esab is the world’s leading welding company with global sates of usd 1100 million. after esab having successfully completed the commissioning of its first welding consumables factory in zhangjia gang ,jiangsu province,esab has decidedtoexpand its manufacturing operations in china through the establishment of a second welding consumables plant in weihai ,shandong province. the factory will become operational during the first part of 2008.<br> total staff will reach approximately 200,and for the first phase esab is seeking 90 employees,visit our website for more information――www.esab.com<br>esab(伊萨)是全球焊材领域的领先者,年销售收入达110亿美元,伊萨公司在成功的组建了中国第一家焊材公司(张家港公司)之后,决定在威海建立它的第二个焊材加工厂――伊萨(威海)焊接器材有限公司,公司成立于2007年3月,总投资近3000万美元,主要生产焊条等新型焊接材料,计划2008年投产,公司投产后总人数达约200人,一期工程人数约90人。详情请浏览公司网址::――www.esab.com 。<br>邮寄者请准备彩色照片一张、身份证、毕业证及其他资质证明的复印件,邮寄地址:伊萨焊接器材(威海)有限公司人力资源部收,简历请发送至:recruit.wh@esab.cn<br><br> 公司地址:威海经济技术开发区贝卡尔特路西。(羊角埠村西)