metaldyne is a leading designer and producer of powertrain and chassis products. we continue to grow our manufacturing footprint in strategic locations, including korea, china, and the czech republic, to meet the needs of its global customer base.<br>metaldyne’s annual revenue is approximately $2 billion, we are employing more than 7,500 people at 45 facilities in 14 countries. through the collective strength of its employees and a diverse supply base, metaldyne has become the supplier of choice for automakers around the world.<br>metaldyne’s vision is to create value for the customer by being the leading global designer and supplier of premium quality, high value metal-formed components, assemblies and modules for the transportation industry.<br><br>我们是全球一流的汽车发动机、动力传动系统及底盘的设计者及制造者。我们着重持续发展,在韩国、中国、捷克等多个国家及地区都有我们成长的足迹,以此满足了全球客户的需求。<br>我们的全年收入额约为20亿美金。现在14国家45个工厂中有超过7,500的员工。我们已成为全球汽车制造商首选的供应商。<br>我们的远景是成为汽车交通行业领先的全球设计和供应商,提供高质量、高价值金属零部件,组件和总成,为客户创造价值。