维思平(wsp)联合国际设计咨询有限公司诚聘<br>wsp是一个国际化的综合性设计公司,经过八年的发展,其在城市综合开发项目、公共建筑项目、大型工业和企业总部项目、大型居住社区项目、商业与休闲项目、大型公园和环境项目和室内工程项目的规划和设计中所展示的创造性能力、先锋的设计理念和不懈的探索精神得到了公众和学术界广泛的认可。<br>wsp自1996年在德国慕尼黑成立,在四位拥有欧洲教育背景和国际化的设计实践经验的建筑师和环境设计师:吴钢、张瑛、陈凌、knud rossen的领导下,已成长为在德国慕尼黑和中国北京、上海三地拥有60多名规划师、建筑师、环境设计师和室内设计师,具有丰富的大型项目运作经验和众多成功合作客户的著名设计企业和行业先锋。<br>wsp的作品在大量的专业杂志和公共媒体上出版、发表,在2004年“中国国际建筑艺术双年展”、2003年德国杜塞尔多夫市“中国当代建筑展”、2002年中国北京“wa2002建筑奖”展等展览上展出。<br>wsp architectural design consulting co. ltd is a design oriented architecture firm. due to the steady development in last 8 years, now the public and the professionals have well recognized its creative abilities, its avant-garde design concept and its exploring spirit which is well displayed in their planning and designing works of urban comprehensive developments, public buildings, large-scaled industry and enterprise headquarters, social housing projects, commercial and recreational facilities, main-theme parks and landscaped environments, as well as the interior engineering projects.<br>wsp was founded in munich, germany in 1996. all the four principal architects and landscape designers, mr. wu gang, ms. zhang ying, mr. chen ling and mr. knud rossen, have their international designing practices and european educational background. the firm has established offices in munich ,beijing and shanghai, with over 70 planners, architects, landscape designers and interior designers. it has become one of the leading design firm in china, holding rich experiences for large-scaled projects and keeping successful cooperation with many clients.<br>thus far, the works of wsp have attained broad attention and won plenty of international competitions and architectural awards, include the german architecture award of "bauwelt",the wa chinese architecture award 2002. in 2004 the principal designers of wsp is on the list of the 100 most influential chinese architects.所述求知者均需具备:<br>-本科或以上学历;<br>-良好的沟通协调能力与团队合作精神;<br>-有国外学习和工作经验者优先。<br>-具甲级设计院或国际知名设计公司工作经验者优先。<br>all the candidates should have the quality as follows:<br>-bachelor degree or above<br>-good coordination and team spirit<br>-2 years working experience, having worked aboard is preferred<br>-working experience in highly regarded local design institute or international design company is preferred